
Maintaing privacy is essential whilst online in avoiding identity fraud and keeping yourself safe. 

Here are some top tips to protect yourself:

1. Identity Fraud
Even if you do not have a credit card or bank online it is good practice to make sure you understand that people can steal your identity and potentially steal money. There are  fake emails / websites that can be sent to you to obtain personal details.

You are also at risk of your emails or social media profiles being hacked. While normally used to embarrass the victim and not for serious cybercrime it can lead to cyberbullying.
Make sure you change your password regularly and inform an adult if anyone has hacked into your account.  If an account has been hacked you can also inform the social media / email service to investigate further.

2. Up to date virus software
Make sure you regularly update your anti virus software to ensure that your computer is safe.

3. Strong passwords
Change your passwords regularly in order for them to be more secure. 

Click on this link for advice on strong passwords. - Facebook privacy advice.