Online Reputation

We live in a society where employers conduct a name search for job candidates in Google, friends check each other's profiles / walls to see what they have been doing and everyone can know your business if you let them. Chances are you already have an online reputation, even if you do not know it.

On the Internet, you create an image of yourself through the information you share in blogs comments, tweets, snapshots, videos, and links. Others add their own opinions (good or bad), which contribute to your reputation. It is important that you know that once you post or upload an image or video it is out there for everyone to see.

Here are some top tips to protect your online reputation:

1. Check security
Check the security of all your  social media sites. Make sure that only your friends can see their posts / wall / photos / videos.

2.  Think Before You Post
Think before you post, whether you write something that offends somebody or write something private about yourself or even worse post an inappropriate image that information is stuck online potentially forever. 

3. Profile
Check whether your profiles on social network sites are appropriate, are the profile pictures professional? Is the information on those sites correct? Always check whether you have not given any personal information to anyone (telephone numbers, address etc)

Watch this video to see the consequences of posting inappropriate thoughts online.

Show your parent this advice

Online Reputation Advice